Do I first need to be referred by my primary physician before accepting acupuncture treatments?
No, an acupuncturist is considered a primary care provider in California.
What to expect during your first treatment?
Your first visit will last approximately 90 minutes including registration and paperwork. The provider will go a thorough intake, including traditional pulse and tongue exams. If the provider believes you are a good candidate, you will receive a treatment ranging from 15 to 60 minutes long.
Things to keep in mind before your treatment
It’s best to have something light to eat an hour or so before your treatment, avoid being too hungry or too full during your treatment.
Same goes for hydration, make sure you are not dehydrated coming into treatment
Try to avoid caffeine or any other stimulants within 3 hours of your appointment
Wear comfortable clothes that allow access to areas below your arm and legs.
If possible, set aside time after your treatment to rest.